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Author: Pater, Walter

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Year: 1893

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Author: Pattee, Fred Lewis

Title: A History of American Literature since 1870

Year: 1915 NY

Format: Questia

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Publisher: Century

Author: Payant, Katherine B & Toby Rose

Title: The Immigrant Experience in N.A. Literature: Carving out a Niche

Year: 1999 Westpo

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Publisher: Greenwood

Author: Perkell, Christine

Title: The Poet's Truth: A Study of the Poet in Virgil's Georgics

Year: 1989

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Title: The American Spirit in Literature: A chronicle of great interpreters [Chronicles of Amer Ser. 34]

Year: 1920NHavn

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Publisher: Harvard

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Title: Walt Whitman: His life & work

Year: 1906

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Author: Perry, Thomas Sergeant

Title: English Literature in the Eighteenth Century

Year: 1883 NY

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Author: Peterson, Eric

Title: Pride And Prejudice

Year: 1982

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Author: Pfaelzer, Jean

Title: Parlor radical: Rebecca Harding Davis and the origins of American social realism

Year: 1996 Pittsb

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Publisher: UPittsburghPr

Author: Pfaelzer, Jean

Title: The Utopian Novel in America, 1886-1896: The politics of form

Year: 1984 Pittsb

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Author: Phelan, Anna Augusta von Helmholtz, fl.

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Publisher: VictoriaU(Can)

Author: Phelps, William Lyon

Title: Essays on Russian Novelists

Year: 1916

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Publisher: Macmillan

Author: Phelps, William Lyon

Title: Essays on Russian Novelists


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Author: Philes, George Philip], 1828-1913

Title: How to read a book in the best way...

Year: 1873

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Phillips, Samuel, 1814-54

Title: Essays from the London Times: a collection of personal & historical sketches, v. 1

Year: 1852 NY

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Phillips, Samuel, 1814-54

Title: Essays from the London Times: a collection of personal & historical sketches, v. 2

Year: 1852 NY

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Pigou, Arthur Cecil, 1877-1959

Title: Robert Browning as a religious teacher: being the Burney essay for 1900

Year: 1901 Lond.

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Author: Pinsker, Sanford

Title: The Schlemiel as Metaphor: Studies in the Yiddish & American Jewish Novel

Year: 1991

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Author: Plattard, Jean, 1873-1939

Title: The life of Francois Rabelais

Year: 1930 Lond.

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Author: Plowman, Max

Title: An Introduction to the study of Blake [William Blake]

Year: 1927

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Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Pollard, Alfred William, 1859-1944

Title: English Hymns

Year: 1960

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Publisher: Longmans

Author: Ponsonby, Arthur

Title: English Diaries: A Review of English Diaries from the 16th to the 20th c, w/an Introduction on Diary Writing

Year: 1923

Format: Questia

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Publisher: Methuen

Author: Pope, Alexander

Title: An Essay on Criticism


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Publisher: UPaEngl

Author: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744

Title: Pope's Essay on Criticism (ed. John Churton Collins)

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Author: Pratt, Annis

Title: Dylan Thomas' early prose: A study in creative mythology

Year: 1970 Pittsb

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Author: Prichett, Frances W.

Title: Nets of Awareness: Urdu Poetry & Its Critics

Year: 1994

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Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Priestley, J. B.

Title: English Humour

Year: 1929

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Longmans

Author: Pritchett, Frances W

Title: Nets of Awareness: Urdu Poetry and Its Critics


Format: Html

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Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Pruvost, Rene

Title: Robert Greene et ses romans (1558-1592);: Contribution a l'histoire de la renaissance en Angleterre

Year: 1938

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Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Pugh, Edwin, 1874-1930

Title: The Charles Dickens originals [illus.]

Year: 1912 Lond.

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Publisher: VictoriaU(Can)

Author: Purdy, Strother B, 1932-

Title: The hole in the fabric: Science, contemporary literature, and Henry James

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Author: Putnam, Samuel, 1892-1950

Title: Francois Rabelais, man of the Renaissance; a spiritual biography.

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Author: Rabinowitz, Paul

Title: Labor & Desire: Women's Revolutionary Fiction in Depression America

Year: 1991

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