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Author: Pierrepont, Edwards, 1817-92

Title: Speeches, 1864-1887


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Author: Pinney, Thomas

Title: A History of Wine in America: From the Beginnings to Prohibition

Year: 1989

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Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Pittenger, Lieut. William

Title: Daring and Suffering: A History of the Great Railroad Adventure

Year: 2000

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Author: Porter, Fitz-John, 1822-1901

Title: Gen'l Fitz John Porter's reply to Hon. Z. Chandler's speech, U.S. Senate, Feb. 1870


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Author: Porter, Fitz-John, 1822-1901

Title: Reply to the rejoinder of Gen. Pope to the appeal of Porter, for re-examination of [his] court martial


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Author: Post, Robert (ed.)

Title: Law & the Order of Culture

Year: 1991

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Author: Powell, Lyman Pierson (ed.) b. 1866

Title: Historic Towns of the Southern States [illus.]

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Title: The mustee; or, Love & liberty.


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Author: Prouty, L. Fletcher

Title: The Secret Team: The CIA & Its Allies in Control of the US & the World

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Title: Illustrated School History of the US & the adjacent parts of America, from the earliest discoveries to the pre

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Author: Raff, George Wertz, 1825-88

Title: A manual of pensions, bounty, & pay: laws, regulations, bounty land, bounty money, pay, claims for horses & ot


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Author: Ramsay, David

Title: The Life of George Washington

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Author: Ramsay, David, 1749-1815 & R.Y. Hayne

Title: History of the U.S.: from their first settlement as English colonies, 1607-1808 v3

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Author: Randall, Samuel Sidwell, 1809-81

Title: First principles of popular education & public instruction


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Title: Old house on the hill: A brief historical sketch issued as a souvenir [Daniel Boone, John Marshall, Aaron Burr

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Title: The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson: Compiled from Family Letters and Reminiscences, by His Great-Granddaugh

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Author: Raymond, Henry Jarvis, 1820-69

Title: History of the administration of President Lincoln

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Author: Reid, John Phillip

Title: Constitutional History Of The American Revolution

Year: 1986

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Author: Reid, Whitelaw, 1837-1912

Title: American & English studies, v 1: Government & Education

Year: 1914 Lond

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Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Reid, Whitelaw, 1837-1912

Title: American & English studies, v 2: Biography, History, & Journalism

Year: 1914 Lond

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Author: Remington, Frederic

Title: Crooked Trails

Year: 2001

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Publisher: DigitalScan

Author: Remsburg, John

Title: Six Historic Americans


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Publisher: SecularLib

Author: Reuter, Bertha Ann

Title: Anglo-American Relations during the Spanish-American War

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Author: Rhees, William Jones

Title: An account of the Smithsonian institution

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Author: Rhodes, James Ford

Title: The McKinley & Roosevelt Administrations, 1897-1909

Year: 1922

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Author: Rice, Stuart A.

Title: Farmers & Workers in American Politics

Year: 1924

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Publisher: CornellU

Author: Richter, William L. (William Lee)

Title: The Army In Texas During Reconstruction, 1865-1870

Year: 1987

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Author: Ridpath, John Clark

Title: James Otis: The Pre-Revolutionist


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